Marcus Powlowski, MP

Working for a STRONGER Northwestern Ontario. 


A Message from Marcus

I have had the privilege of serving you as your member of parliament for Thunder Bay-Rainy River for the past 5 years.

As a doctor, I feel the same sense of obligation to each member of our community as I do my patients. I will continue to work hard to build up our community to be a voice for positive change in Northwestern Ontario.

It is the honour of a lifetime to represent you in Ottawa, and to work with you to make Canada one of the best places in the world to call home.


Marcus Powlowski, MP for Thunder Bay-Rainy River


An Update on Local Priorities

From the economy, to healthcare, to fishing on the border, there are numerous issues that affect our riding. Read more about some of my summer priorities by clicking below.

Let’s Talk

As a doctor, the health and healthcare of Canadians is one of my highest priorities in Parliament. Read about some of what we have been doing in healthcare by clicking below.

Budget 2024: What You Need to Know

Budget 2024 provides funding for housing, healthcare, and families. Find out more about what budget 2024 is doing for Northwestern Ontario by clicking below.


My Office is Here to Help!

Constituency Office

905 E Victoria Avenue, Unit 1

Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 1B3